This site is intended for U.S. healthcare professionals.
5.6x greater risk for pneumococcal pneumonia for adults with chronic lung disease, including COPD, compared with healthy adults in the same age range.4,5
Adults aged 50 years or older with COPD who experienced a worsening of their condition due to CAP may experience a delay of several weeks to months before fully recovering.2†
The CDC recommends Prevnar 20® for eligible adult patients with COPD.6
Both vaccine-naïve‡ and previously vaccinated§ eligible adults who are at an increased risk.6
§Patients with chronic conditions¶ who have received PPSV23 only or PCV13 only are eligible for PCV20 or PCV21.6
The ALA recommends vaccinating against pneumococcal pneumonia for patients at high risk.7
Prevnar 20® completes the CDC recommendation in one dose for ALL eligible adult patients.6,8 Vaccinate today.
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This site is intended only for U.S. healthcare professionals. The products discussed in this site may have different product labeling in different countries. The information provided is for educational purposes only.
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